Monday, April 19, 2010

Bowler Hats

Pure genius. I never thought that I would say this, but there is a hat that succeeds where the top hat has failed. Have you ever had a job as a gamekeeper? I know I have. And every time that I see a low tree branch in my way while I’m on horseback, it hurts me deeply to know that my top hat will be knocked off of my head. This is why Thomas and William Bowler created the bowler hat. Those low hanging tree branches have not given me any trouble since I bought my bowler hat. Not a single time. Bowler hats are not given the credit that they are due either. Cowboy hats are not on this list yet. Why? Because bowler hats were actually more popular in the Wild West. Yeah, I bet that you didn’t know that. Bowler hats, despite contrary belief, are still alive. They are on life support, but I predict that they will be making a serious comeback pretty soon. The bowler hat has some interesting alternative names. Here is a list. Coke hat, derby, billycock, bombin, blockade, block hat, “the true cowboy hat”. The list goes on forever. Oh yeah, and if you are thinking that this post is worth any less than the others because it is smaller then you are wrong. This post is worth less than the others because the content is sub-par!

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